This portion of the Forum is meant for Troopers. Here Troopers can report in, post items that pertain solely to the Trooper build and game play, ask questions and post possible build stats and tree progression information.
In Ashla Legion, we do not promote class based seclusion or segregation, however we do want to make it easy to find information dealing specifically with your build. The Trooper portion of the forums is meant to be a place that you can find or give ideas on the development of the class for game play purposes.
For Trooper related RP information and possibilities, please refer to the RP portion of the forums.
At the present time, I am the senior Trooper on board and can be considered the point of contact for any questions anyone may have. Do not feel like you have to come to me or keep questions in class. The Legion in its entirety is a resource to be used by all members, so ask anyone you can find and they will do their best to help you.